Service — What a Concept!

big thumbs up for slim devices!I recently got a Slim Devices Duet/Squeezebox player to replace my aging and annoyingly incompetent Roku Soundbridge. The Duet is an awesome little toy with incredible potential — the ability to stream a Pandora station thru your regular speakers around the whole house is pretty cool. My little gadget had some startup trouble, however. While it would connect to my wifi router with security off, it did not want to play nice with my WPA encryption turned on. I fiddled and fuddled and searched the forums, but came up blank.

So, finally, I bit the bullet and figured I’d call SlimDevices’ tech support. An immediate answer — faster than most of my friends — had me on the line with a techie who was clearly based in the US and knew what he was talking about. We tried a few things to remedy the situation, but I ran out of time before we solved the problem, so I had to hang up.

Today I called back — again, immediate answer, new tech dude who found the notes from the previous call and started troubleshooting right away. Within five minutes we’d solved the problem (the Duet really only likes 802.g networks, not variable protocol 802.g/n) and I was up and running. Just phenomenal. I mean, it should be the standard, but most other outfits will spend the first 10 minutes showing their incompetence by asking irrelevant questions or trying to fill their direct mail database before they actually bother listening and solving the issue.

Huge props to SlimDevices and Logitech for this; it appears they’ve realized that they can win loyal customers by spending a bit extra on service — it’ll pay off in this instance: I’m a Duet evangelist now, and will probably have converted a couple of people before the new year. Amen to that.