Tag: biking

August 1, 2012

I can see the leak in the boat. It’s right there, fer cryin’ out loud, not three feet from where I’m sitting, the lake water slowly bubbling in, filling the bottom of the ancient, decrepit tub until the captain’s assistant decides it’s time to bail us out yet again. I’m fairly confident I could swim…

May 25, 2007

I love biking. I love bike racing. And it’s been tough to watch the last couple of years’ of bad, bad publicity for a great sport. But. I really can’t get to riled up about the fact that all the big riders have done what they could to enhance their performance — it’s only natural…

September 1, 2006

Now, biking to Cape Cod may not be such a big deal if you’re living in, say, Hingham, MA. But for those of us who live in Vermont such an undertaking requires a little planning. I recently (late August) pulled off a two-day ride from Norwich, VT to Yarmouth on the Cape by way of…