Tag: religion

April 5, 2014

They prefer to describe it as “a quiet revival,” but the army of evangelical Christian missionaries descending on New England more resemble a crusade. Self-styled Warriors for Christ, these spiritual carpetbaggers come North to plant churches and convert the “unchurched” and “gospel-parched” to fundamentalist Christianity. Wielding big smiles and inerrant bibles, they claim to be…

May 22, 2007

Okay, I could be quite wrong and unreasonably critical here, and for someone who doesn’t ever watch TV maybe I’m being hypocritical. But I’m convinced there are fuzzy green things growing in the back of my garden with a significantly higher IQ than CNN’s “Faith & Values” Correspondent, Delia Gallagher. It wouldn’t take much to…

May 4, 2007

We all so love this shot of Der Popenfuhrer… such compassion he shows as he reaches out to remove the soul of recently deceased children or whatever the hell it is he does for a living when he’s not busy sharpening his teeth. But then, today, this shot ran on the internets of our favorite…

December 12, 2006

Oy vey. So, if we’re to believe the wingnuts it boils down to this: would you rather have a long, happy life with a small dick, or be well-endowed until your clogged arteries take you out in your mid forties? Ignoring for a moment the whole debacle of “bigger is better”, this new round of…

November 27, 2006

Bob Kearns, c/o Loma Linda Home Owners Association, Pagosa Springs, Colorado Dear Bob Kearns, Thank you for standing your ground and kickin’ some peace-loving ass (excuse my French, sir). What a great way to start the holidays; I am in awe of your resolute decision to fine a fellow American and to fire all those…

November 17, 2006

Lilly Del Pinto, Illinois mother of a 5-year-old girl said she was halfway through reading “And Tango Makes Three” to her daughter “when the zookeeper said the two penguins must be in love.” “That’s when I ended the story,” she said. Ah, yes, teh gay has been spooking people in the Bible Belt again. And…

October 22, 2006

We rightly criticize that in most Islamic states, the role of religion for society and the character of the rule of law are not clearly separated […] but we fail to recognize that in the USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies. Former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in his…

October 6, 2006

I’m sorry, but it’s just really hard to take people like, say, the Pope seriously, in spite of his kick-ass hat. I mean, I really appreciate the effort to accomodate unbaptized kids; it’s quite compassionate to deem it necessary to give those unfortunate little almost-sinners a vaguely uncool playground just outside heaven where they can…