Tag: New England

March 9, 2015

Came across this beauty near Lyme, NH. We’ve got a long way to go before all the snow has melted (mud season is going to be a doozy), but the sun is definitely winning the battle over the forces of darkness…

April 5, 2014

They prefer to describe it as “a quiet revival,” but the army of evangelical Christian missionaries descending on New England more resemble a crusade. Self-styled Warriors for Christ, these spiritual carpetbaggers come North to plant churches and convert the “unchurched” and “gospel-parched” to fundamentalist Christianity. Wielding big smiles and inerrant bibles, they claim to be…

March 17, 2014

Upper Valley Life Magazine just launched their beautiful March-April 2014 issue, running a story that I worked on almost a year ago about the great folks at Edgewater Farm in Plainfield, NH. I’m sorry I never did get to meet up with the writer on the story, Tim Traver. Next time…

February 19, 2013

Crisp, clear President’s Day in Vermont. Mother Nature is *so* toying with us, not at all clear what winter is up to… “should I stay or should I go now?”

May 9, 2007

This is a public service announcement. Ahhh, It’s that time of year again where we hit the beach, the beach hits back and we need to sit down and enjoy some half-decent food to get over it all. Almost exactly one year ago I spent a wonderful week on the coast of Maine with my…

September 1, 2006

Now, biking to Cape Cod may not be such a big deal if you’re living in, say, Hingham, MA. But for those of us who live in Vermont such an undertaking requires a little planning. I recently (late August) pulled off a two-day ride from Norwich, VT to Yarmouth on the Cape by way of…