Speaking of Sucking, Adobe…

I've worked with Coldfusion for close to a decade now; wild, wonderful ride it has been — from the original Allaire product, thru the bumpy ride with Macromedia, and now the venerable web server engine is stuck with Adobe. Normally I run CF on a Windows server with IIS, but because Bill Gates refuses to allow a workstation to run multiple sites under IIS (i.e. I'm developing more than one site at any given time) I needed to get CF running under Apache on my desktop.

Well, let's just say that it's a pain in the butt. Not least because Adobe apparently have made an executive decision to carry on Macromedia's legacy of crappy support and buggy code for install procedures. I'm not a java wiz, but thank goodness they're out there or I would still have been stuck looking at weird error messages. A wonderful poster over at the CF forums posted the full, annotated sequence of fixes that need to go in to make CF play nice with Apache… You know, Adobe, getting something like that to work might help justify your juicy price tags.